Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brickcon 2010

Hey everyone,
I don't know if you guys know, but Brickcon 2010 is coming up.
I will be going, but I'm not sure what days.  I will be hanging out
with some of my Subscribers including legodude76761.
I will be making my own T-shirt that has my logo on it.
Any ways I will be buying a lot of stuff there.
Please PM me on Youtube if you are going.

Brickcon 2010 here we come!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Updates 7/14/2010

Hey guys,
I just wanted to let you know that the trailer for my Lego stop motion movie, Clone Youth Brigade Traitor is almost ready to go public. I just got to make a few more lasers and mask a little bit more. So thats good news.

In other news, no filming has been done for the Old Guy stop motion comedy movie, besides the teaser trailer. I'm still in the process of thinking the plot through.

Anyways thanks for all the Subscribers on Youtube.

See ya